Star Wars: Ahsoka Star Rosario Dawson Studied Animated Shows "Over and Over and Over"

Star Wars: The Force Awakens "Over and Over and Over," Rosario Dawson's Favorite Animated Shows Image Source Rosario Dawson plays Ahsoka Tano in the upcoming live-action adaptation of the Star Wars film, but she's keeping an eye on the character's animated origins. It was in the second season of The Mandalorian that Dawson made his debut as Boba Fett . Her next project is the Disney+ series Ahsoka, which she is currently filming. Star Wars Celebration Anaheim was the first place fans saw video from the upcoming show. With characters from Star Wars Rebels making the transition to live-action, the show's animation roots were laid bare for all to see. Sabine Wren, played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens During the convention, Dawson said that they've never forgotten the characters' cartoon origins and that they've continued to draw inspiration for their live-action training from these frames. As Dawson puts it, "freeze-fra...